Wednesday, 22 January 2014

How to Time Travel via Music

Have you ever heard a song from many years ago, and it immediately sends you back to a specific time in your life, sometimes even a specific moment or memory? The songs that have the ability to do that to you are what I call Life Songs. They are the songs that make up the soundtrack to your life. Some of them result in happy flashbacks, others do the opposite, but all of them are powerful time-travelling machines that instantly make you smile or wipe away a silent tear!

I did this last year, and I think it's an idea everybody should adopt! I made a playlist of songs that have had this impact on my life, selecting ONE song from each year since the year I was born.
For me, this started in 1973 with the Rolling Stones "Angie", and even though I wouldn't technically have remembered the song at that age, it came into play at a later point in my life (the first song I learnt to play on guitar) and hence became applicable. The catch here is that I physically download the song (if I don't have it already) as an mp3 and store it in a folder on my pc or phone, it's not just a title and artist, but the actual song. So I selected a song from each year since 1973 which stood out for me, and by the time I reached 2013 I had compiled a long playlist of songs, which when played in sequence become the soundtrack to my life and allow me to travel through time - at least in my mind!

It may seem a bit corny, but the irony is that compiling this list has a very therapeutic effect! On occassion I sit and listen to my playlist, through the Rolling Stones, the Eagles, into the eighties and nineties, right up to the song I walked down the aisle to at my wedding in 2000, the song that reminds me of my daughters birth in 2001, and then to my strongest memory from last year - and once I am done I feel rejuvenated, happy and content with the choices I've made in my life!

It's a good way to remind yourself that even though there have been tough times (1999 is a good example for me) we pass those moments and reach new and happier ones repeatedly! It's a slap in the face when you're feeling down, telling you to get over it - things always get better! The proof is playing on your stereo system right now, dammit! :)

So if you're bored and have some time, start compiling your own Life Songs. Add to them each year. Replay them when you feel the need. You may just be surprised how useful it can be! The amazing thing is that YOUR playlist will be unique to you! To get you started, here is a link to a great website which lists the Top 100 songs from each year since 1950(to jolt your memory), and I use mp3skull to download the tracks I don't have.

Happy hunting! Let me know how it goes for you! :)

PS: Reading while listening to music is also very therapeutic! You can download either of my novels at Smashwords. :)

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